Monday, January 30, 2012

   This blog is all about young adult book reviews! I will be posting new posts every Monday reviewing a new book.  These posts will be short, sweet, and to the point, but I love answering questions and expanding when asked!  My favorite young adult authors are John Green, Maurine Johnson, Suzanne Collins, and Meg Rosoff.

My goodreads account has other book reviews and ratings in it if you want to check that out. It's a great site that lets you talk about books and suggests other books you might like.


  1. Hello
    I found your book choices interesting - and refreshing. Not the usual YA fare we get on so many sites. I wish you luck with your blog.
    Gwynneth White

    1. thank you so much! I'm really excited about it!

  2. Hi, I am just curious as to the source of the image on your post, I love that quote, (it is on the banner of my blog) but I have not seen it used in a library before which to be honest surprises me as it is a perfect quote to use especially in a YA library.
    I have enjoyed visiting your blog.

    1. Hello! I found the image on a tumblr called a perpetual state of wonder. this is the URL:
